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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's a good thing I took that CPR class....

...because I had to do the heimlich on a kiddo today.
It nearly scared me to death, but the good news is the kid was laughing when he came back into the cafeteria.  At least someone got a good laugh out of it, right?!

WITTY WEDNESDAY-- What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long?  

say what?!?


It's a beaut, and I'm going to show some pictures off of it ya go, my thrifters!

I know this makes me look puffy, but side angles just aren't my thing.

I'm sporting my new boots, yay!
Forgive the blurriness.

Ok, so I love, love, love all these pieces within this outfit individually, which is why I added them all together!

I found the cardigan at Goodwill, along with the plaid shirt (in the men's section--try things on).  I also scored these super thick tights at Ross; they're a good addition to any wardrobe and great for winter!  And of course, my new boots from Ross.

All in all, this outfit cost me $40--only because the boots were $25!

The thing I love about this outfit, is that I can wear this cardigan with so many other things!
It's a great fall/winter color and can accentuate anything by adding that pop of uniqueness!  

Our little snowman! 

We read The First Day of Winter at school today, and had the kids create their own snowman!  
3 scarves
2 blue gloves
and a red cap with a gold snap
I shot this with my new camera, and thought this was too cute of a picture to not show you!

Stay true, stay real. 