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Tuesday, January 22, 2013





Everyone is doing it.  And when I say everyone, I mean only a few women that are prominent in the media and my life.  So, only two.  But still, this seems to be a popular transformation among women lately.  I don't know where I'm going with this, other than am I out of the loop.  Was there a memo that women should have this done to their hair by the time the first month of 2013 is over?  Am I going to be banned from all interaction with humans until I do this?  WHAT'S HAPPENING.  

I don't know if it's just me, but when I try to do something artsy with my hair (i.e. bangs) they always turn out looking a lot worse than my mind thought it would turn out.  You see Reese up there, sitting all pretty and working those bangs like it's nothing.  Ya, well, I once envisioned I would be smokin' hot with hair like hers, but I guess you have to be a celebrity to work them.  This may be some bitterness coming out about the fact that bangs are frustrating and never work the way they're supposed to on my face.  And I'm ok with that.  

OR it may be the fact that I've been drinking Nyquil as if it's a fine wine ever since Sunday that I'm even bringing this up.  It doesn't matter though.  I just needed to bring this to the surface and ask people what their opinions on the splitting matter is.  Again, blame that horrid literary faux paw on the medicine from heaven.  

Hopefully I'll be more coherent tomorrow.  Or Thursday.

Stay true, stay real.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday

What's this face for you ask, well, it's the face of terrified happiness.  I am taking some big steps to do something I've wanted to do for a while, and I'm super nervous but even more ecstatic to begin this next step.  I don't want to tell you all about it JUST YET, because of all the jinx, voodoo, knock-on-wood stuff.  Instead, I'll ask you to send me good vibes and happy thoughts!  Once I know more, I'll unleash this beast into the blog wild. Until then, you may proceed to sit on pins and needles.

This jacket I'm wearing--which is one of my new favorites--was purchased at Marshall's for $14!  It's a Billabong and SUPERFANTASTICSUPREMELY comfortable.

One more thing-- I'm planning to start my day off tomorrow with a visit to the gym.  Two-thousand thirteen?  More like, tooth has no sweetening....ya, I tried that and it failed.  Either way, I'm workin' on my fitness, and getting back to happy healthy me.  
What are your plans?

Stay true, stay real.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life lately through my photo booth

This was a year ago.  Obviously, I still find photo booth amusing at my ripe old age.  And my hair was super long.  Also, my sister is still a dork.

Stay true, stay real.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ducky Ties are cool...

The Rediscovered Shirt.  The title of a How I Met Your Mother episode, and yet, it still rings true to those rummaging through their closets looking for something, anything, to wear.  

In this episode, Ted relocates a shirt that he hasn't worn in years, that he had previously decided was not something he would want to wear again.  But, when he found this shirt smothered inside his closet, he realized it was something he wanted to wear again. 

Much like this episode of the most amazing television show, we sometimes rediscover items within our closet.  When this happens to me, it's as if I was given a piece of clothing from someone, and it's awesome.  This weekend, I urge you to rediscover something within your life; whether it be within your wardrobe or something bigger within your life.  

Also, check out How I Met Your Mother if you haven't.  It will undoubtedly make your day better.

Stay true, stay real.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My thoughts exactly...

There are a lot of options in life.  Some are simple, and some are complex.  Some leave you wanting more, while others leave you feeling lonely.  

Lately, my mind has been taking My Green Lanterns on the track and running around.  I can't stop thinking about what life could be like if I did this or did this.  Maybe tried that or attempted this while I was a kid.  Not that I lived a boring life-- it was simple, and I liked it that way-- but I feel that if I had given some things a second thought, I might be somewhere completely different right now.  Not living at home.  Not making just enough over minimum wage to consider myself comfortable.  

I've decided it's time to do something about it.  I went to school to be an English major, and I'd love to be a screen play writer or a novelist, but I have no where to start.  I envision myself walking on the red carpet with all the celebrities, paparazzi hollering at me, "Hilary, over here," or "Hilary, who are you wearing?  You look stunning."  Me, I'd just bat my eyes and shyly whisper, "this old thing?"  I can picture is perfectly.  Everything in sync with my ideal scenario, even my nails were perfect, which never happens because I always bump it on something when it's almost to the point of complete dryness.  Yes, I'd be a smashing hit.  A new star on the rise.  But instead, I do live at home and I do make just enough over minimum wage to consider myself comfortable.  

Back to this whole deciding to do something about it.  I feel in my bones that it is time for me to take a wack at writing something.  Even if it sucks; even if my mom can't formulate a good enough lie to make my feelings not burst into a million pieces, I believe I owe it to myself to try.  Failing is my worst fear, but I'm ready to take chances.  I'm ready to become somebody.  And I'm more than ready to get the hell out of my parents house.  So, I'm allowing you all to push me to become something great.  I will happily take advice, praises, and happy thoughts, just not criticism.  That would be pushing it.  

Cheers to a new year, new goal, and new ideas.
Let me know what goals you have, maybe we could write a screen play about it ;) 

Stay true, stay real.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Splurge is a funny word...

I may be the queen of saving some big bucks; but when it comes to getting your wisdom teeth taken out, make sure you splurge and use some drugs.  It'll leave you with great footage like this. 

Stay true, stay real.

Monday, January 7, 2013

I like to move it, move it...

And I'm not just talking about shaking my thang out on the dance floor; which, if you ask everyone from Bourbon St., are pretty sick moves.  

What I'm really talking about is running.

I'm really into getting back into shape, and doing this through running.  The most I've ran is a Quarter Marathon (7 miles), and it was hard, but so rewarding.  In the past I bought a brand of shoes called Brooks.  They're fabulous and absolutely comfortable. Soooo, this weekend as I was out with friends we stopped into Dick's.  Like always, I wasn't looking for anything, but these shoes were for sure looking for me. 

I call them My Green Lanterns

The crazy thing is, I found these and read the word Ghost on them and tried them on, little did I know they were a specific brand of Brooks.  Clearly, they were my glass slippers!  So, I took them home and did some research on them and was immediately thrilled that they were, indeed, my favorite brand of running shoes.

Now, I've been needing a new pair of shoes, and knew it would be a good $100 or more to buy a pair worth using.  Like a thief in the night, they grabbed me from the CLEARANCE RACK!  That's right, y'all, I saved myself 20 or more dollars.

I know this is something little, but I was majorly ecstatic to find my steal of a deal without even looking for it.  I hope you all find some awesome deals while you're not looking.  All you have to do is take a little peak at the sale rack-- you never know, you might just find your glass slippers :)

Oh, lawdy.  Some people.

Let the running commence!

Stay true, stay real.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I forgot to mention..

Sally DID make an appearance while in NOLA.  Although, she didn't go out on the town, she helped me get ready before we went out.  Always need that moral support, and what better way than through an uber shiny vest?

Stay awesome, stay shiny.

Forever and a day...

In the world of blogging, I've been MIA; but I promise I've just been super busy with holidays and being awesome.  With quite a bit of laziness squeezing its way in the mix.

I hope everyone's Christmas and New Years was fabulous.  
What did you do?
What deals did you find?

I currently have no solid resolution, but it's only day three into the new year.  I'm definitely interested in what new things will happen within the year, and how I'll change.  Until then, I'm taking each day as it comes and learning from it.  

I decided that since I was gone for so long, I'd grant you fine thrifters a look into my wonderful break...

My dad knows me so well.

Benny Boy was not amused after a while.

I've wanted this for so long.  I smell pretty now.

She wanted a purse, so I found her the cutest and cheapest one I could find.  Under $40 to make my sis happy on Christmas--worth it.

Steal of a deal from Goodwill for my bro-in-law.

My mom got us matching sweaters from Gap for $5.

Which turned into us being Death Eaters.

This whole outfit cost me $45.
Seemingly cheap for a New Years Eve outfit.

For anyone wondering, New Orleans for New Years was absolutely one of the best decisions.  It's always a plus when you get to spend the holiday with people you don't know, but they all want to be your friend.  I met some awesome people, and I have memories that will last me a good while.

2013 is a mystery right now, and mysteries are always intriguing.

Stay true, stay real.

P.S. Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale is currently going on.  Go get sexy.