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Monday, August 26, 2013

Three Months Down

In honor of my three months in Korea, here are pics of some of my favorite past times thus far. 

Two things I've learned: don't fall asleep on a bus, train, plane, boat, camel ride, or taxi ride and I wear my gray shirt way too much. 

Stay true, stay real. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

To the person snoring above me

You suck

You kept everyone up with your loud nasal problems.  Next time, pick up a pack of Breath Right strips and use it.  Also, if you hear multiple people coughing in order to wake you up so you'll stop snoring, take the hint.  If that doesn't make you aware, make sure you feel the person under you shaking the bunk bed incessantly, they want you to stop snoring.  And lastly, don't stay in a hostel if you know you snore.  Not cool, guy above me snoring, not cool. 

Stay true, stay real

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

That Time I Bought a Git-Box

Here she stands in all her glory.  She needs a little TLC, and I'm just the gal to give it.  I'm sure most of you have never seen me holding a guitar, which is funny 'cause I've never seen myself holding a guitar either.  It's a new challenge I'm presenting to my life, because what better way to learn to play the guitar when you're living in an apartment by yourself?  Answer: there is no better way.  

Now, I need some help from you guys.  As you can read, I've been calling her she.  It's like that movie The Face on the Milk Carton.  The one where the girl gets kidnapped and doesn't know her real name, so she's forced to use the name Janie, even thought she's totally a Jennifer.  Well, "she" needs a name!  Leave your ideas as a comment and I'll pick the one I like best in the next few days and reveal it to you!  It's like a fun little audience participation thing.  I can't wait to read all of your ideas.  

Stay true, stay real. 

P.S. No, I will not post videos of myself through the process of learning to play. 

P.P.S Yes, I will post a video as soon as I'm a bad ass guitar playin' girl! Don't hold your breath. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Things Korean Kids Say 5 (I looked it up this time)

Me: "Tell me something about mammals."
Kid One: "Mammals don't lay eggs."
Me: (giggles) "Very good.  What do they do."
Kid Two: "They lay babies!"
Again, I giggled.
Stay true, stay real.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Being best friends with JLaw

That's Jennifer Lawrence for those of you who didn't know.  

You know, Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.  This years best actress Oscar winner.  Ya, we're bffs.  I call her JLaw all the time and she loves it.  I thought you all would love to know how exactly it works being best friends with a famous actress. 

- You are constantly making inside jokes with each other that other non famous people just don't get.
- You get ready in the morning with each other, because you live together. 
- You get to live together. 
- You get to run late to work together.  'Cause you live together. 
- And you get to be completely awesome together. 

Now, many of you are probably very confused by all of this.  It's ok.  It'll take you some time to get over the fact that someone you know, indeed knows someone you watch in the movies.  I mean, it's not like I had a dream exactly like this and am making you believe we're bffs even though I've never met her.  That would be ridiculous. 

Stay true, stay real. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Things Korean Kids Say 3? Maybe 4?

"I wanna eat zombie!" 

 "I'm gonna fart on you if I don't get water!" 

Both of these came from the same profound, high intensity, crazy kid.  
Unfortunately, I didn't have a witty come back for either statements.
I guess even I can be left speechless at times. 

P.S. he didn't get water and I didn't get farted on.  I guess I won that round. 

Stay true, stay real. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Just Another Saturday In Korea

I almost didn't take this picture.  I saw the leaf and passed it, deciding I didn't want to make my friends wait for me to get a picture of some tattered leaf that I would eventually discard with my hundreds of other pictures of tattered leaves.  But, for some reason, my gut told me to turn around a take the picture of this lifeless leaf.  So I did.  For several minutes.  I couldn't help but continue to find the absolute perfect angle of this leaf.  I tried the side angle, close-up angle, far away, blurred angle, but nothing made it look as beautiful as the straight on, in yo face angle.  

To some, this may just be another leaf.  Just one more fallen hero in the fight to keep this world beautiful.  Its outer exterior looks rough.  Almost as if it had been in a fight with the wind the night before.  It threw a punch, the wind knocked it on it's stem and pinned him down with just one gust.  The wind always wins, just for the record.  And yet, this leaf is still standing tall, showing its insecurities and scars for all the world to see.  To me, this leaf exudes strength.  It may look beaten and battered, but even in it's misfortune, it's still just as beautiful.  The color of this leaf is what attracted my eye in its direction.  Like the sunshine, it shines bright letting everyone know that it's strong and resilient.  Most everyone has gone through some type of stuggle in their life, but not everyone chooses to share their heartache, keeping it hidden away from the world and the people in it who love them.  This leaf represents perseverance and truth.  Even with all the holes, this leaf is still managing to stay together, never crumbling under the pressure of this harsh world.  You may find yourself standing with holes on every inch of your body, holes that need to be filled.  It's easy to let them get bigger, never trying to fix them but rather allowing them to take over your life without acknowledging them.  Just like my struggle in finding the proper angle to exemplify the true beauty of this leaf, it's time people face their struggles straight on.  It may not be pretty, but more often than not, you'll end up looking in the mirror, holeless and shining bright.  Scars aren't meant to be sad, they're meant to show strength, perseverance, and hope.  Some may say this leaf is just another wilted casualty, but I can't help but see a beautiful, vibrant, struggling soul just like the rest of us.  And to think I almost didn't capture this beauty.  

Stay true, stay real. 