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Monday, April 28, 2014

The Lady at the Cafe

Due to some resent encounters with the sweetest Korean lady who works at the cafe in my gym, I'm a happier person.

The encounters go as follows:

The first month or so-- both smile and nod.

The first few weeks following the first month or-- more smiles and nods, but with a slight twinkle in both of our eyes. 

This past Saturday-- upon entering the gym, she was standing at the counter.  She then proceeds to walk with me into the gym and starts small talk.  We exchange names--hers is Jong.  We chat for a little longer and then I let her get to work.  When I come out of the locker room to begin my stretching, she asks if I like coffee because she wants to give me one when I am done working out.  I enthusiastically agree and begin my work out.  After many more smiles and nods-- since the cafe is right by the ladies' locker room-- I meander her way to chat and receive the sweet gift she offered me.  Not only had she made me a coffee, but she treated me to a crepe, as well.  See, the sweetest.

Today--I made sure to stop by the cafe before starting my work out, since, you know, we're BFF's and all now.  I was pleased to know she hadn't forgotten about me and had a big smile on her face when I stopped to talk to her.  I decided to buy a crepe after my work out, this way we could chat some more.  She kept thanking me for buying her "very healthy" crepe.  She added a hard boiled egg as today's "present."  If she had only given me the hard boiled egg as a gift, I would have been elated, but instead she added to it.  Right before I left, she explained to me that when she sees me walk by after running, and I smile at her, I give her the "happy virus."  

Happy 11 months in Korea to me.

Stay true, stay real.

Monday, April 7, 2014

An Abundance of Happiness

While walking down a dusty dirt trail this past weekend, I was talking with a friend about how she always felt that she was an "outdoorsy" person until she came to Korea.  My response was that I didn't feel like one until I came here.  Granted, when I say I feel outdoorsy, I'm referring to the fact that I walk to work (outdoors), I walk to the bus (outdoors), and I have climbed to the top of a mountain since coming here.  So, ya, I'm more outdoorsy; and from this new found gratitude for the world outside, I've noticed how beautiful life can be.  The people you meet and the adventures you can go on are so incredibly fulfilling that I never want to consider myself an "indoor" person again-- unless my allergies decide otherwise. 

With that being said, here are some reasons I'm being so sentimental this evening.
Enjoy the amazing view of cherry blossoms, new friends, and an adventure of a lifetime.

Don't cross a hungry model, you'll get this look.


The cutest moment happened when this man decided to educate us on royal families and their guidelines to manage a household.  Also, FW has his beard rubbing down. 

For my Madikins.

Typical Jordan and Koontz.
Typical me making friends with people 20 years younger than myself.

Enjoying some injeolmi

Playing a traditional Korean game, Tuho.
And then the foreigners' attempts...

"Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me"--Koontz


Because no trip is complete without a jumping picture.

Stay true, stay real.

P.S.  I met a guy from Tulsa, Oklahoma on this trip.  Crazy how far one has to travel in order to find a little piece of home.