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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Owl be back...

{Today was a bit on the stressful side.  So many places to be, and it all felt as if I needed to be there at the same time.  And even though I feel as exhausted as this owl looks, every day is still full of colorful new adventures surrounding me.}

If you didn't know already, I'm a library assistant and a local elementary school.  This is my first "real job" since graduating from college in May.  It doesn't pay a whole lot, but I find myself eager to start each new day as it presents itself.  There is always something new going on--whether it be a kid throwing up the moment they step off the bus, or a kid in need of a giant hug because someone called them a silly name--these kids truly are one of a kind!  Days like these wear me out, but I can always count on a little sleep, and caffeine, to give me a fresh start on a new day.  

I know this didn't have anything to do with being thrifty, but instead, I want you all to enjoy everything in your life--even the not-so-fun things.  Find the color surrounding you, and go out and enjoy it!

Stay true, stay real.

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